Bunch of one-liners for AWS

.. so that I find them faster next time

aws --output=json ec2 describe-instances | jq -r '.Reservations[].Instances[] | "\n" + .InstanceId + "  :  " + .KeyName + "  =>  " + .PublicIpAddress + " | " + .PublicDnsName,  .Tags[] as $tt | "  ... " + $tt.Key +":"+ $tt.Value'

aws ec2 describe-instances | jq '.Reservations[].Instances[] | .InstanceId + "  :  " + .Placement.AvailabilityZone + "  =>  " + .PublicIpAddress'

aws iam list-group-policies --group-name kops

aws ec2 describe-vpcs | jq '.Vpcs[] | .VpcId + " " + .CidrBlock'

aws iam list-users | jq '.Users[].UserName'

aws --output=json --region=ca-central-1 ec2 describe-vpcs | jq -r '.Vpcs[] | .VpcId + " " + .CidrBlock,.Tags[] as $tt | "  .. " + $tt.Key +":"+$tt.Value'

aws ec2 describe-vpcs | jq -e --raw-output '.Vpcs[] | "\n" + .VpcId + "  :  " + .CidrBlock,  .Tags[] as $tt | "  ... " + $tt.Key +":"+ $tt.Value'

aws ec2 describe-subnets | jq -e --raw-output '.Subnets[] | "\n" + .VpcId + "  :  " + .CidrBlock +" : " + .AvailabilityZone,  .Tags[] as $tt | "  ... " + $tt.Key +":"+ $tt.Value'

aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id sg-bfa45bd4 --protocol tcp --port 31672 --cidr

How many instances of each type do I have, and in what states?

  • Considering buying reserved instances or thinking about migrating to a newly introduced class?
aws ec2 describe-instances | jq -r "[[.Reservations[].Instances[]|{ state: .State.Name, type: .InstanceType }]|group_by(.state)|.[]|{state: .[0].state, types: [.[].type]|[group_by(.)|.[]|{type: .[0], count: ([.[]]|length)}] }]"

What CIDRs have Ingress Access to which Ports?

# This is helpful when you need to perform a survey or audit of your system boundaries. While such a task isn’t ever “easy”, it can go more smoothly with with a summary:

aws ec2 describe-security-groups | jq '[ .SecurityGroups[].IpPermissions[] as $a | { "ports": [($a.FromPort|tostring),($a.ToPort|tostring)]|unique, "cidr": $a.IpRanges[].CidrIp } ] | [group_by(.cidr)[] | { (.[0].cidr): [.[].ports|join("-")]|unique }] | add'

Which Services am I using?

aws ce get-cost-and-usage --time-period Start=2019-08-01,End=2019-08-31  --granularity MONTHLY --metrics UsageQuantity --group-by Type=DIMENSION,Key=SERVICE | jq '.ResultsByTime[].Groups[] | select(.Metrics.UsageQuantity.Amount > 0) | .Keys[0]'

# How much they cost
aws ce get-cost-and-usage --time-period Start=2019-08-01,End=2019-08-31  --granularity MONTHLY --metrics USAGE_QUANTITY BLENDED_COST  --group-by Type=DIMENSION,Key=SERVICE | jq '[ .ResultsByTime[].Groups[] | select(.Metrics.BlendedCost.Amount > "0") | { (.Keys[0]): .Metrics.BlendedCost } ] | sort_by(.Amount) | add'

# Instances running

aws ec2 describe-instances | jq -r "[[.Reservations[].Instances[]|{ state: .State.Name, type: .InstanceType }]|group_by(.state)|.[]|{state: .[0].state, types: [.[].type]|[group_by(.)|.[]|{type: .[0], count: ([.[]]|length)}] }]"

CIDR access to ports

aws ec2 describe-security-groups | jq '[ .SecurityGroups[].IpPermissions[] as $a | { "ports": [($a.FromPort|tostring),($a.ToPort|tostring)]|unique, "cidr": $a.IpRanges[].CidrIp } ] | [group_by(.cidr)[] | { (.[0].cidr): [.[].ports|join("-")]|unique }] | add'

Lambda runtimes

aws lambda list-functions | jq ".Functions | group_by(.Runtime)|[.[]|{ runtime:.[0].Runtime, functions:[.[]|.FunctionName] }

Memory size

aws lambda list-functions | jq ".Functions | group_by(.Runtime)|[.[]|{ (.[0].Runtime): [.[]|{ name: .FunctionName, timeout: .Timeout, memory: .MemorySize }] }]"

Lambda Environment variables

aws lambda list-functions | jq -r '[.Functions[]|{name: .FunctionName, env: .Environment.Variables}]|.[]|select(.env|length > 0)'